Dr. Blau & Associates
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We offer the following services:

*Testing - Standard or Customized Psycho-Educational, Neuropsychological, and Educational Assistive Technology Testing, as needed to satisfy 'official needs' (school or vocational placement, annual or triennial reviews, etc.) or to develop intervention strategies or goals that fully focus on your child’s specific challenges and potential!

Observations - These can be essential to any customized assessment and/or for general planning. By observing your child in the actual setting of concern (Educational, Vocational, Residential and/or Recreational), adaptations may be identified, to give your child's full access to the educational or vocational curriculum within these settings. We think “outside the box” to find or create truly appropriate means for success.  

*Planning - This can include both the creation of customized goals that may be related to the above, as well as the strategies for their implementation. Again, due to our years of experience and success, programs can be designed that truly allow your child’s potential to be reached. There may be any number of steps along the way, but it is how to reach that 'farthest point' that is the key! 

*IEP/CSE/IP Meeting Participation - Clearly there are other practical hurtles that must be met as well.  Most importantly, as we specialize in formal goal development, including explicit facilitation strategies for their appropriate implementation, we are available to actively participate within the IEP/CSE/IP process. 

*Expert Testimony - Our extensive experience and broad knowledge base allows us to serve as experts at impartial, state and federal level hearings.   

*ConsultationsWe provide both clinical and legal consultations to families and attorneys as they navigate the complex world of obtaining appropriate services.

Dr. Andrea Blau & Associates, 575 Madison Ave Suite 1006, New York NY 10022